
SEO Interview Questions Part 11

Q :What is use of Tags in web site design
A: <Pre> Tag is paired tags which is used to Preformatted tag. So what we put in it appear in same way or format as we write.

Q:Some basic and speedy methods to increase the webpage speed. 
A:-1) Removing the unused code and scripts.
    2) Replacing internal and inline CSS with the external CSS. 
   3)Using web server’s page compression methods. Using small size images or minimizing the no. of images.

Q:What are the limitations of title and description tags?
A:Title tag can be between 66-70 characters and meta description tag can be between 160-170 characters.

Q:What do you recognize by Cloaking?
A:Cloaking involves using deceptive strategies which presents the user with a different version of the internet site than that presented to the search engines.

Q:Explain various steps that you would take to optimize a website?
A. 1. Interview website owner or webmaster to get a good grasp of the site's objective and targets.
2. Perform a keyword analysis to find best performing keywords that should be used for that site and for individual pages of the site
3. Analyze site's niche to determine usage of relevant keywords in addition to phrases. This includes visible text as well at titles, META tags, and "alt" attributes.
4. Examine site navigation5. Determine the existence of robots. txt and sitemap and examine those for effectiveness.
6. Make recommendations for improvements needed for the site in addition to each individual page.

Q:What is the distinction between SEO and SEM? 
A: Seo is search engine optimization and is the procedure you use in getting your pages to place well on search results. SEM is search engine marketing and involves purchasing advertising space on search result pages. Sponsored listings are SEM. Both are related though! When using Google Adwords, the better you optimize your webpages for search, the less you'll be paying for your selected key terms in the PPC campaign and the better placement your ads will get.

Q:What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2. 0 technologies with regards to SEO?
A:Web 2. 0 technologies has changed all the trends and also made it simpler for a lot internet users as you know in web 2. 0 there are so many features like blogging, RS-Generated syndication, social bookmarking, mash-ups, wikis and other collaborative applications, Google Base and other free Web services, interactive encyclopedias and dictionaries these all features are very help full for SEO. AS we can use these all feature for web promotions so I think its an advantage to have this technologies as an SEO.


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